Body: twice the size of a honey bee, their abdomens are longer and more narrow than a bee’s. Longer wings. Their coloring is alternating black and bright yellow (sometimes white) bands.
5/8 to 1 inch in size. All wasps will defend their nests, but the Yellow Jackets and hornets are the most aggressive, which is another way you can distinguish them from bees, whereas a bee is usually more docile, wasps will usually take the proactive defense strategy. Come anywhere near their homes and you have trouble. Yellow jackets will also forage on foods that people eat, especially sweets and meats. They are considered beneficial insects, eating other insects. The yellow jacket colony will remain active for only one summer, after which the queens will fly away to start more colonies. The remaining ones, die at the end of the summer, the nest is not reused.They usually nest in the ground, but will nest also in railroad ties, wall voids, and other above ground locations, like the eave of a roof or tall doorways. For most a wasp sting is temporary, but painful, but for allergic individuals as single sting may result in a serious reaction, requiring medical treatment